
Introducing the Fury Hurricane - a backlit gaming keyboard in a compact TKL size. If you're looking for a small, comfortable gaming keyboard that you can easily fit on any desk and take with you to a LAN-party or tournament, then Hurricane is a great option for you!

Rozmiar TKL („Ten Keys Less”) oznacza brak bloku numerycznego, co w świecie gamingu nie jest wielką stratą. W zamian otrzymujemy klawiaturę mniejszą, bardziej poręczną i pełną praktycznych rozwiązań. Fury Hurricane ma 87 cichych klawiszy o krótkim czasie reakcji, z czego 12 to klawisze funkcyjne, za pomocą których można wygodnie sterować multimediami.

To meet the needs of gamers in the frenzy of virtual skirmish, Fury Hurricane supports WSAD and arrow keys swapping function, Windows key lock and anti-ghosting for up to 19 keys! This allows you to play in the style that is most comfortable for you, and accidental clicks and jams will not interrupt your winning streak.

Although parameters and ergonomics are the most important in gaming equipment, we have not forgotten about the attractive design. Hurricane pleases the eye with its simple, geometric body and striking RGB backlighting with the ability to select one of 4 brightness levels (0%, 33%, 66% and 100%). Strike with unbridled hurricane force - choose Fury Hurricane keyboard!

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